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Oct 17, 20243 min read
Dark Literature: A Truce with The Wrathful Creature of The Soul
There are whispers in the night that everyone is scared to listen to. When we look into the mirror, it’s not always our reflection that...
Mar 27, 20243 min read
God’s Grace and God’s Wrath: an existence or an escape?
Here we face the existential question: is our life defined by our sins? Is this why our faith in Gods and in destiny runs so deep?...
Feb 28, 20244 min read
Escapism: The Domination of Demons
How many times do we face reality? How many times do we run from it? We think we have become cruel, there is a part of us, either because...
Jan 17, 20244 min read
Fulfilment through pleasures: where does the line end?
The root of all inner evil in our world stems from one simple fact; that we, as humans, are capable of great emotions and sometimes an...
Jan 9, 20243 min read
Evolution: War and Bloodshed through the Modern Mind
This article is in accordance with the darker realm of philosophy that takes into account the evil and monstrous desires and ideals of...
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